Kyky > Työt > Learn Greek with Christina

Learn Greek with Christina

0 tilausta jonossa

Are you a fan of the Greek culture? Greek is one of the oldest languages in the world. You will learn everything you need to have everyday conversations and communicate with basic vocabulary. The Greek alphabet, numbers, colors, days of the week, food, greetings, and much more that will enable you to communicate when you are visiting an exotic Greek island, or with your Greek friends.

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30€ /hr

(VAT 24% incl.)

Suorittaa tämän:
1 päivää
12, Jan 2023
User Role:
n / a
keskimääräinen vastausaika:
1 päivä
Ei vielä määritelty käyttäjän tietoja.
Categories: Opetus
Locations: Uusimaa