Kyky > Työt > Inner-awareness coaching

Inner-awareness coaching

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Trying to find happiness, harmony, or your purpose in life? Do you want to strengthen your intuition and see things with more clarity? Do you feel it is a good time for you to understand and “decipher” the signs that your Subconscious/Unconscious Mind is giving you and what they are telling you about your life? Do you wish you had more chances to work with your creativity for your wellbeing? Now it is the moment to pick a category that will help you find your answers. Inner-awareness Coaching: – Jungian inner-awareness: archetypes (find your Greek god/goddess, everyday life archetypes, symbols, your family’s archetypes, Shadow-exposed-to Light, Animus-Anima). – Cards for projection of your Unconscious Mind. – Sound deep meditation (only in contact meetings). – Guided meditation with your own manifestations. – Dreams interpretation for inner-awareness (according to Gestalt and Jung). – Find your singing voice (singing coaching for creative expression)

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70€ /hr

(VAT 24% incl.)

  • Lisätilaukset
  • Dream interpretation with the Gestalt method varten 70.00€
  • Dream interpretation with the Jungian method varten 70.00€
  • Jungian approach for inner-awareness: Ancient Greek God/Goddess, family symbols and how they dictate your life choices varten 70.00€
  • Cards for projection and expression of your Unconscious Mind varten 70.00€
  • Voice toning for chakras and deep relaxation varten 70.00€
Suorittaa tämän:
1 päivää
04, Apr 2023
User Role:
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keskimääräinen vastausaika:
1 päivä
Ei vielä määritelty käyttäjän tietoja.
Categories: Hoito & hoiva, Meditaatio
Locations: Uusimaa