Kyky > Työt > 3D Modeling, 3D rendering, Product Design, Industrial Design

3D Modeling, 3D rendering, Product Design, Industrial Design

0 tilausta jonossa

I can conceptualize, and design in 3D new products from scratch or following a previous existing product or technical file. The designs that I create are suitable for mold making and producing. I have 5 years experience in developing and producing different types of objects. If your idea needs to be developed into a final product, than I am the person you can count on.

Työn arvostelut
Ei arvosteluja vielä.

65€ /hr

(VAT incl.)

  • Lisätilaukset
  • Technical drawings - price per hour varten 20.00€
  • 3D photorealistic renders of the final product - price for 1 picture varten 30.00€
Suorittaa tämän:
1 päivää
10, Jul 2021
User Role:
n / a
keskimääräinen vastausaika:
1 päivä
Ei vielä määritelty käyttäjän tietoja.
Categories: Luovuus & IT, Teknikot
Locations: Varsinais-Suomi