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Fear of Failing


Insecurity of failing causes many people to unconsciously sabotage their chances for success. Fear is part of human nature, fear of failure holds you back and restricts you from unleashing your full potential. How to overcome this unhealthy relationship with fear?


We at Kyky Today want to share 5 useful tips on how to overcome this dreadful fear, which keeps us from trying, creates self-doubt, stalls progress, and may lead you to go against your morals.
 1. Define your goals clearly
Have a clear vision of the things you would like to accomplish and try to include learning something new in your goal. Consistently aiming for improvement and learning, will decrease the likelihood of failing.
2. Think positive
Your internal dialogue affects how you react and behave, and usually you believe what you tell yourself. Replace negative thoughts with positive thinking, the voice inside our heads has a massive effect on what we do.
3. Visualise all potential outcomes
Fear of the unknown and uncertainty about what will happen next is scary. This is why we suggest you take time to think about the potential outcomes of your decision. This will prepare you mentally for what could happen.
4. Have a backup plan
You have most likely heard this saying: ‘’Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.’’. Having a backup plan gives you more confidence and allows you to take more calculated risks, thus it’s a great way to minimize the anxiety of failure.
5. Learn from whatever arises

Failure is an opportunity for growth. If things don’t go as planned, it doesn’t automatically mean you failing. Even the least ideal situations can be taken for granted off as an opportunity to implement changes and grow.