Kyky > Työt > Toy Design, Plush Toys, Wooden Toys, Soft Toys, Children Toys, Pet Toys

Toy Design, Plush Toys, Wooden Toys, Soft Toys, Children Toys, Pet Toys

0 tilausta jonossa

You want to start a business with toys and you want your own original designs? Maybe you have an idea of a new character and you want to see it brought up to life? I have over 6 years of experience in designing toys and I have worked for one of the biggest clients out there: Mondelez and Danone, designing character and toys for brands like Danonino, Milka, Oreo and many others. I also have connection in Chinese factories, so I can help you establish the production for your new products.

Työn arvostelut
Ei arvosteluja vielä.

75€ /hr

(VAT 24% incl.)

  • Lisätilaukset
  • Second position - price per position varten 50.00€
  • Color and material guide varten 55.00€
  • Technical drawings and sizes varten 40.00€
Suorittaa tämän:
1 päivää
10, Jul 2021
User Role:
n / a
keskimääräinen vastausaika:
1 päivä
Ei vielä määritelty käyttäjän tietoja.
Locations: Varsinais-Suomi